Perform Project Planning Functions (MS Project 2013 – 16 hrs) (ICDL Certification Module: Project Planning)

COURSE details

Course Duration

16 HRS

Mode of Training


Course Timing



This module enables learners to use project management software to prepare project plans and monitor projects, including planning and managing time, costs, tasks, and resources.On completion of this module the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the key concepts relating to managing projects.
  • Use a project management application to create a new project and maintain an existing project.
  • Create and schedule tasks; add project constraints and deadlines.
  • Assign costs; create and assign resources to tasks.
  • View the critical path, monitor progress, and reschedule work.
  • Prepare and print outputs, including charts and reports.

Course Content

1. Project Management Tools
Key Concepts
  • Understand the term project.
  • Recognise the main elements of managing a project like: planning the project, managing the schedule, communicating project information.
  • Understand the advantages of using a project management application like: efficient project design, ease of project plan maintenance, effective activity representation, ease of monitoring and reporting.
  • Understand the tools and features of a project management application like: Gantt chart, network diagram, work breakdown structure.
  • Recognise that managing projects involves balancing work, time, resource, and cost.
2. Project Creation
Working With Projects
  • Open, close a project management application. Open, close projects.
  • Save a project to a location on a drive. Save a project under another name to a location on a drive.
  • Save a project as another file type like: template, web page, spreadsheet, CSV, XML, text file, pdf.
  • Change between project view modes like: Gantt chart, network diagram.
  • Use magnification/zoom tools.
Starting A New Project
  • Create a new project based on default template, other available template.
  • Understand how choosing to schedule from a start date, finish date will impact on the project schedule.
  • Enter basic project information such as start date or finish date, scheduling options and project properties like: project title, project manager.
  • Set up calendar options like: base calendar, working time, nonworking time.
3. Tasks
Creating Tasks
  • Create, modify tasks.
  • Copy, move, delete tasks.
  • Create, modify, view subtasks and summary tasks.
  • Understand task duration options: elapsed, duration, effort, estimated.
  • Set, modify task duration.
  • Split tasks.
  • Understand the term milestone.
  • Create project milestones.
  • Create, modify recurring tasks
Scheduling And Relationships
  • Understand logical relationships between tasks: finish to start, start to start.
  • Create, modify, delete relationships between tasks: finish to start, start to start.
  • Understand the terms lead time, lag time.
  • Add, edit task lag time, lead time.
Constraints And Deadlines
  • Understand task constraint options like: as late as possible, as soon as possible, must finish on, must start on.
  • Add, modify, delete constraints to tasks.
  • Understand the term deadline.
  • Create a deadline.
Notes, Hyperlinks
  • Add, edit, remove a note for a task.
  • Insert, edit, remove a hyperlink for a task.
4. Resources And Costs
  • Identify resource types like: people, materials, equipment.
  • Understand the relationship between duration, work and resource. Understand that if one element changes there is an impact on another element.
  • Create, delete resources. Modify resource details like: name, type, units, rates.
  • Add, remove, replace resource assignments and associated units.
  • Understand the terms fixed cost, variable cost.
  • Assign, modify fixed costs.
  • Assign, modify variable costs.
5. Project Monitoring
Critical Path
  • Understand the terms critical task, critical path.
  • Identify critical tasks and show the critical path.
Monitoring Progress And Rescheduling
  • Create, save, clear a baseline.
  • Show, hide progress line.
  • Show, hide columns like: % complete, fixed cost, deadline.
  • Sort, filter tasks.
  • Update task progress.
  • Reschedule incomplete work.
  • Display current project schedule and baseline.
6. Prepare Outputs
  • Change page orientation: portrait, landscape. Change paper size.
  • Change page margins: top, bottom, left, right.
  • Prepare a Gantt chart, network diagram for print using options like: columns to print, notes.
  • Preview a Gantt chart, network diagram, report.
  • Print a Gantt chart, network diagram, report from an installed printer using output options like: entire document, specific pages, number of copies.

The learner must be able to:

  • operate a Personal Computer, use keyboard and mouse
  • read, write, speak and understand English (Work Place Literacy Level 4 – lower secondary level)
Course Outline

Download the PDF below for a summary of the course outline.


Company Sponsored / Self Sponsored

Full Fee GST Nett Fee Payable (incl. GST)
$600 $54 $654


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Generative AI Series
Course Duration