Adapt for Successful Teams at the Workplace

course details

Duration and Time

Training Time


Course Duration

16 HRS

Course Information

Course Reference Number


Funding Validity Period

30 Mar 2022 To
29 Mar 2026

Mode of Training



The inability to adapt to changes in the environment especially for yourself and your team give rise to increased anxiety, poor productivity and disrupted performances. Even more severe stress can result from losing a job or having to change jobs, negatively impacting the team’s’ state of health.

Hence it is critical that leaders in the organisation are equipped to lead their teams to adapt for successful team to drive greater productivity, higher efficiency and performance. This course will provide learners with the necessary competencies to do so.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Analyse information gathered from the news media to determine relevant trends and issues that would affect the team at the workplace
  • Identify the competencies required in current job for self and the team at the workplace
  • Identify and implement strategies to motivate and assist myself & team members to adapt to changes in new job requirement at the workplace
1. Analyse Trends and Changes
  • Trends and Changes and how they impact the workplace
  • Analyse information gathered from news media and how it impacts the organization
  • Implication of global competitiveness on the team and self at the workplace
2. Competencies For Sustained Employability
  • Identify relevant opportunities and resources to address gaps and developmental needs
  • Common challenges and difficulties in selecting the appropriate resources to meet developmental needs
  • Recommend and facilitate the use of various resources for developmental needs
  • Transferable skills and knowledge and its features
3. Manage Team Diversity & Learning
  • Analyse the impact of diversity
  • Learning from the cultures of others and adapting to the strengths
  • Promoting an inclusive and cultural- sensitive work environment to strengthen the team through diversity
4. Learning For Productivity and Effectiveness
  • Methods to identify your learning styles such as visual, auditory, hands-on, reading & writing
  • Types of learning theories and how these theories can motivate yourself and your team
  • Removing barriers of learning to enhance productivity and effectiveness

The audience is supervisory staff with leadership responsibilities, relevant for all sectors

Course Outline

Download the PDF below for a summary of the course outline.


Company Sponsored

Funding Type Full Fee 9% GST (on full course fee) Funding Amount Nett Fee Payable (incl. GST)
Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) $420.00 $37.80 $294.00 (70% off course fee) $163.80
Non Small Medium Enterprises $420.00 $37.80 $210.00 (50% off course fee) $247.80
Singaporean Employees aged 40 years and above $420.00 $37.80 $294.00 (70% off course fee) $163.80

Course Fee Funding:
SME: 70% of course fee
Non-SME: 50% of course fee
Non-SME(MCES): 70% of course fee

$4.50 per training hour capped at $100,000 per enterprise per calendar year


Funding Type Full Fee 9% GST (on full course fee) Funding Amount Nett Fee Payable (incl. GST)
Singapore Citizens (40 years and above) $420.00 $37.80 $294.00 (70% off course fee) $163.80
Singapore Citizens (21 to 39 years old) & Permanent Residents (21 years old and above) $420.00 $37.80 $210.00 (50% off course fee) $247.80

Course Fee Funding:
MCES: 70% of course fee
Normal: 50% of course fee


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